Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Go away cold weather

Ok I grew up in Florida and the coldest it would get there would be 30's and that was in the middle of the night!! Then the move to TN really made me realize I HATE cold weather so we move here to NorthEast Texas. 

Well well well its cold here too this year. We had snow on Christmas Eve and right before new years. Now they are telling us the high on Thursday is going to be 25!!!!!! Why oh why is it that cold in Texas?? And people are talking about Global Warming... on days like this I could only wish for any kind of warming at all.

I am jonesing to go caching but its toooo cold to stay out for more then 5 or 10 minutes and I really don't want to go out for LPC's cause that won't cure the need lol.

So my note to the weatherman: WE LIVE IN TEXAS its supposed to be warm here hahahaha

just had to vent about the cold a little... everyone have a good week!!!

happy caching!!!


  1. welcome to the caching world it is a great hobby. we are totaly addicted and loving it. we have made alot of great frriends through caching. its alot of fun

  2. I think you're nuts!

    I love caching in the winter, when it's cooler.

    Sweating, sunburn, snakes, poison ivy, spiders, spider webs, thorns, just a few of the joys of caching in the summer. :-)
