Sunday, January 10, 2010

Finally got to go out!!

Finally warmer weather came and we were able to go out after church today. 
I've been using cacheberry and geocache navigator on my blackberry and whoops trials ran out yesterday... forgot to check that lol So back home we came to enter the caches back onto the etrex legend. 
Finally get that done and off we go again. It's still chilly so I knew lil half wouldn't be able to make it long so a close fast one would be the key. While at church an email came thru saying one within walking distance had been replace so we decided to go after it before it goes missing again.
Found it without a problem signed the log and back home we came. Just enough of a fix to get me through another day. How come no one told me that caching was an addiction hahahaha
Well the sun is going down and taking temps with it so no more caching today... going to try to get out this week while the oldest child is at school and I have a sitter to clear the big park by the house =) 

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Go away cold weather

Ok I grew up in Florida and the coldest it would get there would be 30's and that was in the middle of the night!! Then the move to TN really made me realize I HATE cold weather so we move here to NorthEast Texas. 

Well well well its cold here too this year. We had snow on Christmas Eve and right before new years. Now they are telling us the high on Thursday is going to be 25!!!!!! Why oh why is it that cold in Texas?? And people are talking about Global Warming... on days like this I could only wish for any kind of warming at all.

I am jonesing to go caching but its toooo cold to stay out for more then 5 or 10 minutes and I really don't want to go out for LPC's cause that won't cure the need lol.

So my note to the weatherman: WE LIVE IN TEXAS its supposed to be warm here hahahaha

just had to vent about the cold a little... everyone have a good week!!!

happy caching!!!

Monday, January 4, 2010


Hi and Welcome to TheMayfieldFamily's Geocaching Adventures

We are very new to the addiction I mean sport. We got involved with it back in October of 2009. So Let me introduce you to TheMayfieldFamily.

First off the serious cacher is me, Kim, I am a 30 year old married stay at home momma of 2 girls. Some people at events just call me "Big Half". I am always up for going out and hunting with whoever wants to go with me or by myself. Doesn't really matter to me.

The next in the line by their love of caching is my 8 year old daughter, Lexi. Known to some as "Lil Half". We are the ones that do most of the caching. Big, little, micro, or virtual Lexi doesn't care what we find as long as we are out and about. 

The next in line is kinda a tossup. My husband, Chris, doesnt mind caching but is more of a stay at home watching sports type of guy but will be the driver to events as well as some caches. He also doesnt mind running out the door with me at 10 pm to go after a FTF!! 

The last but not least person in TheMayfieldFamily is my 2 year old daughter, Dani. She loves going to the events with mommy and sissy as well as loving on the TBs that we bring home. When she gets older I'm sure she will be out on the trails with us hunting tupperware in the woods with multimillion dollar military satellites.

Well there you have it..... TheMayfieldFamily breakdown... This is my first attempt at a caching blog but I will try to update often on our adventures because sending a momma and an 8 year old into the woods is always an adventure =)