I've been using cacheberry and geocache navigator on my blackberry and whoops trials ran out yesterday... forgot to check that lol So back home we came to enter the caches back onto the etrex legend.
Finally get that done and off we go again. It's still chilly so I knew lil half wouldn't be able to make it long so a close fast one would be the key. While at church an email came thru saying one within walking distance had been replace so we decided to go after it before it goes missing again.
Found it without a problem signed the log and back home we came. Just enough of a fix to get me through another day. How come no one told me that caching was an addiction hahahaha
Well the sun is going down and taking temps with it so no more caching today... going to try to get out this week while the oldest child is at school and I have a sitter to clear the big park by the house =)
I hear you about wanting warmer weather to go out. Spring is a ways off but it is coming!